Why are my links not working?

You think you have links to other sites set appropriately.
But they keep showing 404 errors when visitors click on them.
Here’s why.

You think you have links to other sites set appropriately.
But they keep showing 404 errors when visitors click on them.
Here’s why.

Line 1. Internal links can be relational

Line 2. But external links must include the full URL
including the https:// part

Line 3. cnn.com won’t get you where you want to go

Check the code below:

what the code looks like for these links

  • The link on Line 1 (above) is to another page on this site. So I only need the part of the address as it RELATES to this site.
  • The link in Line 2 is to CNN.com is correctly coded because it includes the full address: http://cnn.com
  • The link in Line 3 is to CNN.com is NOT correctly coded because WordPress interprets it as a relative link and, therefore, it is automatically prepended with https://wefixbrokenwebsites.com/ (oh that cnn were part of my website!)
    cnn.com (Line 3 without the full URL) lands you on a 404 page here instead of at CNN.com

Author: Kerch McConlogue

Harrisburg, PA: A WordPress front end web developer who speaks plain-English to nonGeeks

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