Maintenance Plan

Site Maintenance is time consuming and often overlooked, but it is very important.

When websites are poorly maintained they degrade, become slow and unstable or crash. And worst of all, sites that are not updated enable hackers to take over, use the site to commit fraud, spread malware or perform other attacks.

Search engines, such as Google, reward sites that are well maintained and that load fast.

SiteCare Maintenance Package includes:

  • WordPress core and plugin updates
  • Daily site backups
  • Daily security scan
  • Monthly activity reports that include information about the above listed activities as well as a short report of visitor numbers
  • Access to which includes about 50 short videos on specific actions in WordPress (e.g. adding images, retrieving previous versions of a page or post, etc.). Separate access to these videos is $10/month
  • ½ hour per month of adjustments or other conversations as you wish

Web maintenance does not guarantee a site free from hacking nor cover the cost of cleanup should it occur. But regular updates minimize injections and site monitoring will tell us about a problem quickly, before it becomes a bigger problem.  Should that occur, we recommend contracting with for a quick clean up, followed by their annual maintenance plan. Currently the fee for that service is around $200/year.

Maintenance is only available for sites Kerch has worked on.

Payment Options

  • Paid monthly by automated delivery*: $80/month for one site. $50/month each additional site.
  • Paid annually by check or credit card to WeFixBrokenWebsites: $800 (Two months free!) $1400 for two sites (My math is not off, that’s another deal!)
1 site2 sites
Monthly automatic payment*$80$140
Annual payment ◊ $800$1400

* Recurring payment may be made by a recurring payment using the form below or by automatic payment from your bank, either ACH or bank check.