Finding a web person is not a scary prospect

But it can be if you don’t quite understand
what you can ask for from a web developer.

KitchenBut it’s not that odd of a process.

Let’s say you want a new kitchen.  How do you get one?

(Aside from selling a kidney to pay for it, I mean.)

You talk to a people. You find pictures. You get estimates. You figure time lines. And, because somebody will be in your house with your stuff, you decide if you like and trust them to do what they say. AND you check references. (At least you should!)

You probably never have installed plumbing or a counter top, (and even if you had) you’ll certainly ask questions like, “How long will I be without my sink?”

That’s just common sense.

But if you’re taking about the internet… whoa that’s different. Wait, Is it?

child as web developerIt can be a bit scary because it can feel like everybody but you understands how computers and the internet work. Heck, 4-year-olds play computer games. So how hard can it be?

So you can be forgiven for being a bit leery of fessing up that you really don’t understand anything more than how to read email and watch cat videos on YouTube.

But look,
finding a web developer follows exactly the same process as finding someone to redo your kitchen.

Talk to people—friends or colleagues who have a website as well as the developers you find. Find examples of sites you like. You get estimates. You figure time lines. And you decide if you like and trust the person you talk to. Check references.

Maybe you worry you wouldn’t understand what the web developer was saying,
or maybe he’ll think you’re stupid…. so why ask?

Here’s why: In the beginning, the goal is just to figure out if you can communicate with this person.

  • Does WebPerson make you feel like you’re taking up too much time?
  • Or imposing?
  • Or like you really shouldn’t be asking these questions at all?

So ask some questions that you DO understand.

There are no right answers here.  But when you ask questions and you know you’ll understand the answers, you’ll gain confidence to ask other questions that might have more complicated answers.

How about just asking some simple questions like:

  1. How long is the WebPerson’s longest continuing relationship with a client?
  2. Does WebPerson remain in contact with old clients? Help them out if they get stuck?
  3. But if at least one relationship was long, what was special about it?
  4. How /big is the biggest site he/she worked on?

Pay attention how this person treats you when they answer. Were you comfortable? Treated respectfully?  These things matter.

I’ve written a short paper called 7 Questions to Ask When Interviewing a New Webmaster/Developer/Designer/WebGuy

Fill out the form below, and I’ll send you the whole list

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Author: Kerch McConlogue

Harrisburg, PA: A WordPress front end web developer who speaks plain-English to nonGeeks

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