Kerch’s Bio

Kerch McConlogue has been building and maintaining websites for businesses, large and small, and for nonprofits since 1999. She has been working with WordPress for 15 years. She has spoken at several WordCamps (one- or two-day training events) and other professional conferences on using WordPress, Search Engine Optimization, and time management.

What I Take Pride In:

I pride myself on being responsive to my clients. I want you to know that somebody’s there paying attention to your website even if you’re not. Your questions get answered quickly, sometimes even within an hour or two. (That’s not a promise for everything, but it is my goal.)

What I Stand For:

I stand for clean, clear websites that are user-friendly not only for the visitor but also for the site owner. It’s my responsibility to tell you when something you want to have on your site won’t work as you imagine it will or will make it difficult for users to actually use your site.

I believe that the relationship between the client and the designer/developer is critical to producing that site. And if you can’t understand your webmaster when s/he talks then there can’t be a very good relationship.

I don’t think it’s right for web designers to charge tons of money just because they can. If I’m happy with my fee and you are too? Then, as I like to say, “Shut up and say thank you.”

I believe that you shouldn’t be at the mercy of a web designer with too many projects to attend to everyone on his list. Therefore, I am committed to rapid response and adjustments to your site.

While I don’t believe that a web designer is necessarily the best person to be editing your content, I am a writer and editor. And I believe it’s my responsibility to tell you when something doesn’t make sense and to coach you to find the words you want to use to explain what you’re trying to showcase.

Additional background:


Spent 20 years as an artist working with traditional Pennsylvania German techniques of fraktur and scherenschnitte.

Big Event Producer:

Spent 20 years producing big events in Baltimore including the Baltimore City Fair, Kids Convention for the Maryland State Department of Education, All Schools’ Salute for the Fund for Educational Excellence and several Opera Balls and other smaller events for the Baltimore Opera Company.

Personal Coach:

Trained at the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) as a personal coach specializing in adults with too many ideas (ADHD). Achieved the certification PCC (Professional Coactive Coach). Co-founder of the ADHD Coaches Organization (2005) This gives me the unique ability to help clients get sort out their ideas and get clear about what they are trying to say on their websites.

Currently living in the woods of Harrisburg, PA helping to support her husband’s Little British Car habit.

Known to be direct—some might say blunt. But it’s always in service of the product.